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场所营造实践指导, 奥利弗Hartleben, identifies six key factors that could maximize the successful adaptation of public space to unexpected circumstances, 包括确保进入空间是多维的.



Connaught Park in Vancouver was transformed overnight from a series of sport fields into a place for people to interact while complying with the physical distancing mandate. 是什么条件使它如此适应?

我住在加拿大的温哥华. 我们家对面就是康诺特公园, 通常用于橄榄球运动的大开阔草坪, 足球, 垒球, 板球——有时甚至是魁地奇比赛. 当新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行在3月中旬袭来时, 没有太多的计划和指示, 这个空间一夜之间变成了社区的“呼吸空间”。. 日复一日, 尤其是在下午和傍晚, 它可以容纳大小团体, 还有毯子和野餐椅, 谁在社交时保持安全距离. 与许多其他城市不同,温哥华从未有过完整的就地避难命令.

与康诺特公园形成对比, the much smaller playground in front of our building was pre-emptively closed by City staff, 秋千被封锁,沙盒玩具被安全移走. 通常和小孩子一起玩耍,父母聊天, 它也在一夜之间发生了变化——但在这种情况下,它变成了无菌的, leftover open space with no alternative use during the new (ab)normal we are now living.

Comparing these two places brings up a simple question: What makes one adapt successfully and the other one not?

有什么因素可以确保公共空间的弹性吗.e., having the capacity to react and rebound quickly and easily to unforeseen conditions? 不仅仅是针对当前的大流行, but also other volatile and uncertain conditions that will undoubtedly come our way, 比如自然灾害, 用户偏好和行为的变化, 技术变革带来的新需求, 以及气候危机的长期影响.

Archdaily, 100名建筑师
Domino Park in 纽约市 during the pandemic shows how signaling can easily convey the intended use and expected behaviours of users.



1. 多官能度
而不是专业化, 公共领域需要设计, 尽可能多, 作为各向同性空间. 它必须连续或同时工作于多个用途, 包括今天可能不需要或可能还不存在的用途. 想想把汽车流通空间改造成自行车道, 弹出式测试设备, 或者户外用餐. 空间不需要迎合 all 可能的用途,但应具有足够宽的功能带宽以具有弹性.

图22. 松配合
公共空间, 无论是公园还是人行道, needs to have generous enough dimensions to flexibly adapt to changing and evolving requirements. Whoever has designed a street cross section knows that the possibilities increase exponentially relative to the available right-of-way width — there’s only so much a 6-foot sidewalk can accomplish in terms of functional flexibility. 然而,超大尺寸必须仔细考虑. 避免贫瘠, 个人的空间, 场所需要设计成“适合一人或十人使用”,000,Jan Gehl提醒我们.

图33. 冗余
A critical aspect for adaptability and resilience is the ability to provide access, 循环, 并在多个地点提供服务. 如果你只能走一条路, 或者如果你只能在一个地方接通水或电, 对不断变化的环境迅速作出反应的能力受到严重限制. 为了限制增加发行量和服务的额外成本, 路径可以跨多个模式共享, 服务可以集中在战略位置提供, 例如, 路径交叉的地方或明显的区域边界.

图44. all级别的访问
进入太空是多方面的. 第一个, 这个地方需要提供多种进出方式, 促进流通及, 如果需要, 分离用户流. 第二,访问与 时间 proximity; a multimodal approach is essential to make the space convenient and safely accessible for as many people as possible within a short ‘walk/roll/ride’ time shed. 最后, 无障碍需要适用于all能力的人的通用无障碍原则, 而且还有很多类型车辆的专用通道, 按特殊条件要求.

图55. 模块化
公共空间 also needs to be modular in order to be easily partitioned or closed off, particularly in cases of public safety — think of a flood-prone area like informal 足球 fields in many 拉丁美洲n favelas or a space that can be converted for pandemic testing or outdoor queuing. 但是模块化对于允许空间动态变化也很重要.e., the 时间 shrinkage and growth of spaces for specific uses given unique circumstances, 例如 the need for more outdoor dining areas given health concerns and public behaviours or preferences.

图66. 信号
最后, the different areas and elements of a public space need to be easily identifiable by the public and the authorities so there is symmetry of information regarding expected behaviour. 虽然技术当然可以告诉用户在太空中的距离和使用, the intuitive conveyance of areas or sectors by simple design tools such as paint, 图案和材质不应被低估. It is much more complicated to tell people to not be too close together than to unequivocally show what that means. The ‘physical distancing’ circles painted recently in Domino Park in Williamsburg, 纽约市, 这是一个明显的例子(当然, 设计干预并不总是需要如此直白.)

These six factors should be universal principles that guide our design of public realm elements from now on.

这是否会引发一种重新聚焦的、新颖的设计开放空间的方法? 我希望如此, 但除了新, it is also helpful to turn to history to get some clues as to what has withstood the test of time in terms of space resiliency.

Archdaily, 100名建筑师.
哥本哈根的超级kilen, 由Byarke Ingles设计, 也是“有线”使用信号的模块化设计和视觉提示.
The Piazza del Campo in Siena is a good example of a public space that adapts to both the needs of its users, 一整天, 跨世纪的, 在不可预见的情况下.


这个广场展示了六个方面的弹性, 自愿或非自愿, 从一开始就融入到公共空间的设计中. 还有其他的, 更新的例子, like the Zócalo in Mexico City or the Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam that exemplify the same traits.

Il Campo works for multiple purposes with minimal adaptation — from low-key social interaction and people watching, 还有那些在广场内外扩张的咖啡馆, 参加像赛马这样的体育赛事. 它足够大,可以为少数人服务,也可以成为许多人的集结点. 它在循环路径上有冗余,并从各个方面提供服务, 即使是在中世纪的街道模式中. 通过它平缓倾斜的表面, 它确保了all类型的用户和车辆的无障碍通道, 根据需要. 它可以根据不同活动的需要进行分区, increasing the safety and separation of users according to the event or the situation. 和, 通过外圈和广场“切片”的表面处理, 它清楚地表明,不同的区域可以分配给不同的用途. 每个人都能直观地“理解”它,而不需要阅读标识或查看应用程序.

奥利弗·哈特勒本是一位 城市规划师 with a public administration degree from the Harvard Kennedy School focused on existing and evolving public outreach, 人口, 流动性, 建立形式, 创新主题.

天生的横向思考者, 奥利弗汇集了他参与公众活动的经验, private and community stakeholders for the identification of new opportunities and synergies. 奥利弗是NCI系统认证,以促进设计包租, 是否有进行在线参与流程的经验, 并领导AG平台的R&D单元,TH!NK.


写的 奥利弗Hartleben

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